My name is Dino Olivieri, born in 1969 in Turin, Italy.
I started programming at age of 14 (1983), i studied computer science at high school (in a good Industrial and Technical Institute for Computer Science near Turin), then i’ve got a degree in computer science without renouncing to do in the meantime many different work experiences.
I understand that by reading the following resume i’ll seem to you a mess of passions, ideas, experiences and professions, but that’s me.
I much prefer quality over quantity. I am a person of many words and many facts. I love chaos as order and science as art.
I’m a passionate codewarrior. I’m an old-school computer scientist.
My aim is always to produce solid and beautiful things.
Now it’s time to stop words and to talk about facts.
personal data
- firstname Dino
- lastname Olivieri
- birth date year 1969
- birth place Torino
- citizenship Italian
- contact https://www.onyrix.com/contact/
- linkedIn profile http://it.linkedin.com/in/olivieridino
- profession ICT consultant, senior analyst, graphic and web programmer and designer, web expert, illustrator, technology direction, musician
Degree in Computer Sciences
Year 1998, Università di Torino, Facoltà di Scienze M.F.N., Dipartimento Informatica.
Curriculum: Computer Networks / Prof. Albert Werbrouck.
Tesi: “J.AM.E.S., Java AutoMatic Editorial System”
Supervisor: Prof. Luca Console
Company: Sinedita S.R.L. / Turin
Supervisor: R&D Director, Dott. Paolo Agus.
Score: 98 on 110.
Main courses attended:
- Metodi di Trattamento dell’Informazione – Prof. Maddalena Zacchi: (progettazione e realizzazione di automi e teoria di correttezza del software) – punteggio 28/30.
- Linguaggi Speciali di Programmazione – Prof. P.Baldi: (software engineering, progettazione-modellazione, implementazione, linguaggi e qualità del software) – punteggio 30/30.
- Linguaggi Formali e Compilatori – Prof. Alberto Martelli: (linguaggi, generazione e correttezza grammatiche, interpretazione e compilazione) – punteggio 26/30.
- Teoria dell’Informazione e della Trasmissione – Prof. M.Teresa Reineri: (misura dell’informazione, entropia e informazione mutua, trasmissione, errori, codici e crittografia) – punteggio 24/30.
- Tecniche Numeriche ed Analogiche – Prof. Albert Werbrouck: (reti di calcolatori, protocolli di comunicazione a livello applicativo OSI e TCP/IP, servizi di directory DNS e X.500, e gestione network snmp e CMISE) – punteggio 24/30.
Inoltre ho seguito per interesse personale, al di fuori del corso di studi, il corso di Eidomatica (Elaborazione Immagini) tenuto dal Prof. Nello Balossino.
Level-A in Computer Sciences
Year 1988, Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale “Ettore Majorana” – Grugliasco – Turin.
Score: 54 on 60.
courses and specializations
AngularJS Development 2016
ForteChance – Turin, 40 hours
Android App Dev 2015
Consulman – Turin, 40 hours
Apple IOS Dev 2014
ForteChance – Turin, 40 hours
Cours de base de Langue Française 2008
60 heures – Province de Turin.
Analisi di Rischio di Siti Contaminati / Risk Analysis of Polluted Sites 2003
Seminario di aggiornamento professionale da C.F.A. (Centro Formazione Ambientale), ANEA (Associazione Nazionale Esperti Ambientali), Environment Park e con il patrocinio della Regione Lazio, tenutosi a Roma dal 25 al 26 giugno 2003.
Argomenti del corso: metodologie, aspetti giuridico-legali, software e case studies sui temi Risk Analysis e Risk Assessment.
Sicurezza e commercio elettronico / Security, e-commerce and e-business 2002
Corso e-learning ELEA The Knowledge Provider (gruppo DeAgostini) tenuto ad Ivrea dal 18 al 22 marzo 2002.
Argomenti del corso: sicurezza, chiavi, certificati, problematiche legate all’e-commerce, soluzioni tecniche per la programmazione di applicazioni internet (html, forms, CSS, Javascript, ASP, etc.) cross-platform e cross-browser.
InDesign Plug-in Development – Amsterdam 2000 Adobe Dev Camp 2000
Corso di una settimana per lo sviluppo di plugins e actions sulla piattaforma Adobe InDesign.
foreign languages
Italian/ first language
English / Level C2
Extremely good spoken, written, reading and listening.
Français / Level A2
Bonne lecture et écoute.
professional experiences
may 2019 – present day
Team Leader, Software Architect and Technology Training for Finsoft / Delivery Unit North Italy / Present SPA Group.
september 2017 – april 2019
ICT Senior Architect and and Technology Strategist for Willbit on projects, system integrations and software products for the digital media market.
august 2014 – august 2017
ICT Senior Consultant and Technology Strategist for Finsoft on internal and external projects.
Finsoft ILPMS Product Architect. ILPMS: Industrial Label and Print Management System.
Scouting for Teachers / ITS ICT Foundation for Information and Communication Technologies
Scouting and technical evaluation for teachers in computer science courses offered by ITS ICT Foundation in Turin.
Interviews, resume and presentation evaluations, analysis of teaching and technical methodologies.
FCA-MOPAR WiflashPublisher architect and Team Leader.
Hivescout for Hivejobs
Hivescout, ITC and Web Technologies consultant for candidates prescreening and technical interviews. Main Area: Full stack Web Technologies (MS, LAMP, JAVA related), Mobile Development and Industrial Software Dev.
Illustrator, Author and Graphic Designer of the novel “Di Undici Foglie”.
I’ve written a novel, a piece of modern fiction mingled with ancient greek and northern myths. “Di Undici Foglie” is the title. 3 parts, 3 days, 33 old style black and white illustrations and many misteries.
To get more informations, please visit the page:
february 2012 – july 2014
Front end developer for Deltatre for complete redesign of FIFA.com. Technologies used: CSS3, LESS, .Net, SQLServer, Bootstrap, JQuery, ChartJS.
Front end developer for Deltatre for projects: “Medals Comparator”, London 2012, for NBC Olympics, Uefa OVP Flash and HTML5 Video Player, Doubleclick Adv integration, Diva Flash Video Player product. Technologies used: Adobe FlashBuilder 4.6, Microsoft Silverlight 5.
Front end developer for Deltatre in web applications projects related to UEFA.com and Olympics Official Websites. Technologies used: .Net, SQLServer, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, RaphaelsJS, Modernizr, Adobe FlashBuilder 4.6.
january 2011 – present day
Teacher (programming & computer science) for Sinervis Consulting srl
- 2016: Postgresql Advanced (40 hours / Bergamo)
- 2014: Front End development HTML5/CSS3/Jquery (40 hours / Turin)
- 2012: LAMP applications dev (40 hours / Rivoli)
- 2011: Flash Builder dev (40 hours / Rivoli)
august 2010 – january 2012
IT Consultant and Senior Architect for FCA Group
FCA-MOPAR Witexedi Web Project (worldwide automobile diagnostic tools for dealers and workshops).
IT Consultant and Senior Architect for FCA Group and IBM
eTeseo Plus Project, worldwide Ticket Management for the brands: Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Lancia, Jeep, Chrysler, Abarth, Fiat Professional.
Code and server architecture for Tucanna Software.
Product tFlow, a client/server application developed in Flash Builder 4.5, AIR 2.7, AS3, SQLite, PHP5 and Mysql.
Tucanna tFlow is a preflight, color management, PDF workflow management system available on Mac OSX and Microsoft Windows systems.
june 2010 – july 2010
Teaching courses about Microsoft. Net, Adobe Flash Builder, PHP at the CAE European Academic Consortium – Turin, Italy.
february 2010 – may 2010
Project Sinedita Page Picker 2010, developed in Adobe Flex 3.4 and / backend developed in Python. Page Picker is a flipping page virtual book for magazines and newspapers with many interesting features: multi edition, text search with index and occurences, zoom, single page pdf download, full edition pdf download, advertising links, thumbnails index and many more.
Teaching courses about Microsoft. Net, Adobe Flash Builder, PHP at the CAE European Academic Consortium – Turin, Italy.
Prototyping of multimedia mobile applications for Apple iPhone/iPad and Google Android.
september 2009 – february 2010
Project Sinedita Text Editor Web 2010, developed in Adobe Flex 3.4 on the new TextLayout component from Gumbo Project (aka Adobe Flash Builder 4) / backend developed in PHP and Django (Python). The Text Editor has a powerful interface in order to write specialized tagged text for the Sinedita Publishing System (Tuttosport, Corriere dello Sport, Avvenire, L’Arena di Verona, l’Eco di Bergamo, …), editorial counters, copy-fitting, “on-page” preview, unlimited undo-redo, etc…
Project Sinedita Headline Editor Web 2010, developed in Adobe Flex 3.4 on the new TextLayout component from Gumbo Project (aka Adobe Flash Builder 4) / backend developed in PHP and Django (Python). The Headline Editor has a powerful interface in order to write fast complex multi-elements headlines with specific editorial counters and “on-page” preview.
Evolution of Project Sinedita Publication Panel (ex Django Panel), developed in Adobe Flex 3.4 a powerful tool for journalists in order to setup and edit easily an edition (structure and contents) of a web newspaper or magazine / backend developed in PHP and Django (Python).
Project Sinedita Box Designer Web (aka Boxatore), developed in Adobe Flex 3.4 is a tool to preview, produce and modify interactively and easily page layouts (boxes and geometries) for editorial elements of a newspaper with multicolumn texts, images, captions, ads, headlines, abstracts, …) / backend developed in PHP, Quark Xpress Server.
february 2009 – august 2009
Prototype Project “Central Production Calendar” (aka Calendario Produttivo Centrale) in automotive field for FGA (Fiat Group).
Multimedia and advanced Adobe Flash development for Mediacom srl.
Renew of the corporate website of Finsoft srl with Umamu Metaweb (an opensource portal engine in L.A.M.P. written by me) in cooperation with Adfarmandchicas (graphical part)
Development with technologies Django framework, Adobe®Flex 3 and Adobe®AIR, Actionscript 3 for Sinedita – Managing Information on projects: DjangoPanel for L’Eco di Bergamo (online).
september 2008 – january 2009
Development with Java framework, Struts 2, Spring, JBoss Richfaces for Microacta and Shared project / CSI Piemonte.
may 2008 – august 2008
Development with technologies Django framework, Adobe®Flex 3 and Adobe®AIR, Actionscript 3 for Sinedita – Managing Information on projects: Whitestar Photo Archive.
Development with technologies Django framework, Adobe®Flex 3 and Adobe®AIR, Actionscript 3 for Sinedita – Managing Information on projects: DjangoPanel for L’Arena di Verona (online).
Design and Development for New Elfin – Command and Control for the new company website in 10 different languages, pdf indexing, photo catalog, and many other features developed with my personal mini-framework Umamu on L.A.M.P.
february 2004 – may 2008
Project Manager and Senior Developer for the project Fiat Atrium.
Fiat Atrium consists in different media presentations displayed onto wide plasma screens, internet kiosks, screensavers installed on corporate PCs, realtime production data graphical summaries and tv spots.
Project developed in the following technologies: Flash 8, Actionscript 2, MS SqlServer 2000, Asp.Net 2, XHTML, Javascript.
Startup datetime: the same day of the inauguration of the Mirafiori Motor Village – Torino – 26th of May, 2006. Senior Consultant for the company: Finsoft S.R.L. – Torino.
Release Manager and IT Consultant in FIAT Auto. Evolution and maintenance of the custom Reporting Project (from logistic and marketing data) WebTrimm (WEB TRansaction Inquiry Mix Management) developed in Microsoft Windows Server 2000 / ASP3 / IIS5 / SqlServer 2000 / VB6 technologies.
Technological direction for Finsoft S.R.L. – Torino.Webdesign for the integration and the evolution of the “INTERREG” portal: “La Memoria delle Alpi” / “La Memoire des Alpes”.
Project Manager and IT Consultant in FIAT Auto for the WebPoint Project.
Webpoint is a monitor and a real-time manager of product transit and warehouse lying of all the FIAT Group plants worldwide.
Project entirely developed in Asp.Net and MS SqlServer 2000 technologies.
Engineering and development of services and applications in ASP.NET and MS SQLServer 2000 to manage industrial labelling stations for traceability purposes (Project: Granarolo by AtosOrigin).
Development and testing in .Net of data integration processes between monitoring machines ABB/Tetra Pak Food Engineering and Traceability Systems.
january 2003 – january 2004
Direzione tecnologica del settore sviluppo applicazioni web e a pacchetto per lo studio di progettazione Studio Aglietto S.R.L. di Torino.
Progettazione, evoluzione e mantenimento di portali verticali B2B orientati alle tematiche di bonifica e gestione dei rifiuti.
Design, progettazione, sviluppo e manutenzione del portale www.siticontaminati.it su tecnologie Microsoft 2003 Server Web Edition, IIS6, PHP4, MySql, MS Index Server, Macromedia Flash e Actionscript.
Progettazione e produzione di pacchetti software per la simulazione e l’analisi di rischio.
IT Management for media publishing: web and magazine.
january 2002 – december 2002
Direttore tecnico area progetti Web Applications, Web Services e Applicazioni Client/Server per conto dell’azienda Finsoft S.R.L. di Torino.
Esperto scrittura applicazioni web facenti uso delle tecnologie: JSP, HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, SVG, PHP4, FLASH MX, Microsoft .NET e vari RDBMS tra cui Oracle 8 e 9i, MySQL e Microsoft SQLServer 2000.
Progetti e consulenze di rilievo sono:
- Progetto di integrazione agli strumenti di Ricerca e Report del sistema di Customer Relationship and Management di Vodafone (Cesano Boscone – Milano) su tecnologie Java, JSP, Macromedia Flash MX, Oracle 9.
- Consulenza di chiusura e startup progetto Intranet di Gestione della Scuola di Applicazione per l’Esercito Italiano, Via Arsenale – Torino, su tecnologie Java, JSP, Oracle 8.1.
- Consulente informatico senior.
april 1997 – january 2002
Analista Programmatore e Responsabile Nuovi Prodotti, per la realizzazione di sistemi editoriali per conto dell’azienda Sinedita S.R.L. di Torino per i clienti: Avvenire, City, Corriere dell’Umbria, Corriere dello Sport, Il Giornale del Piemonte, L’Adige, Unione Sarda, La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, La Provincia di Como, La Sicilia, Le Matin, L’Eco di Bergamo, Liberazione, La Libertà, Primorski, Punto Com, Il Secolo d’Italia, Tuttosport.
Esperto scrittura XTensions per Quark Xpress versioni 3.32 e 4.11, e plug-in per Adobe InDesign e suite Adobe Acrobat. Maturata esperienza di gestione del workflow di Sistemi per l’Editoria, pre-stampa e web-publishing.
Buone capacità di amministrazione sistemistica dei seguenti ambienti operativi: Win 2000 Server e Professional, WinNT4, Win98, MacOS9, MacOS X.
Profonda conoscenza e uso quotidiano dei linguaggi: C, C++ e Java.
Progettazione e sviluppo di applicazioni stand-alone e Client/Server.
Design, progettazione e sviluppo di web-applications (HTML, SWF, SVG, XML, e logica server side CGI e ISAPI dlls) con accesso diretto (non via ODBC) a basi dati Oracle, MS SQLServer, PrimeBase.
april 1995 – march 1997
Collaborazione come installatore e manutentore hardware per il rivenditore Hw/Sw Cesit Computers di Torino, di Ing. Claudio Minatel.
Insegnante in corsi serali e preserali di informatica per le aziende Vepo Italia S.R.L. di Viareggio e Ellenia S.R.L. di Lucca.
Comproprietario e gestore partime di una rivendita di quotidiani e riviste in C.so Unione Sovietica, Torino.
january 1993 – march 1995
Compositore, co-produttore e consulente artistico per la Propio Records di Milano, di Stefano Secchi (progetti: OB3, LIES IN A BOX, DYNO).
Arrangiatore, fonico di studio e responsabile sala prove, presso lo studio di registrazione Penta Studio S.N.C. di Torino, ora Bliss Recordings.
Esperienza di realizzazione e montaggio di jingles radiofonici.
Insegnante in corsi serali di informatica per le aziende Vepo Italia S.R.L. di Viareggio e Cesit Computers di Torino.
september 1989 – december 1994
Addetto e responsabile di recapito per le zone di Grugliasco e Collegno, per l’azienda EuroClub di Mondolibri S.p.A. di Via Nizza, 1 – Torino.
Game Designer, grafico, analista programmatore e beta tester in collaborazione per conversioni di piattaforma di prodotti interattivi e di videogames arcade per le aziende Simulmondo S.R.L. di Bologna (ora FinanzaWorld.it) di Francesco Carlà, e Genias alias Multimedia S.R.L. di Castenaso (BO) di Riccardo Arioti.
Computer Science, Art and Technological Skills
Operative Systems
- Microsoft Windows desktop and server versions.
- Apple MacOS X.
- Ubuntu and Debian based Linux systems
- Android
Programming Languages
- C, C++, .Net C#, VB.NET, Java, Actionscript, XCode
- Scripting Languages: Javascript, VBA, Perl, Python
Compilers and IDEs
- Android Studio
- Microsoft VisualStudio all versions
- Xcode
- Unity 3D
- Eclipse IDE (Java, Actionscript3, Android SDK, PHP)
- Adobe Flash Builder
- Microsoft VisualStudio 6 Enterprise Edition
Technical Skills
- Mobile Applications in XCode and Android SDK.
- Web applications in JSP, PHP, Asp.NET, HTML5+AJAX+CSS3
- Web services in .NET, PHP, JAVA, NodeJS
- Standalone applications, remote components, services and processes in .NET Framework, Xamarin or Electron Atom
- Multiplatform Standalone applications and games in http://electron.atom.io/
- Client-Server applications for web or intranet systems and workflow systems
- Multi RDBMS/NoSQL access with native libraries
- Socket TCP/IP programming / standard and custom protocol development
- 3D applications development (DirectX, OpenGL, Unity3D, WebGL)
- Video Streaming and Audio Video Conferencing with WebRTC, Flash Media Server, Flash Remoting e AMF-PHP
- RIA (Rich Internet Applications) in Adobe Flex, Flash Builder
Industry SW Plug-In/Extension development
- Autocad / VBA Extensions
- Quark XPress / XT DEV SDK
- Adobe PhotoShop / Adobe Extension Builder
- Adobe InDesign / Adobe Extension Builder
- Adobe After Effects / Adobe Extension Builder
- Microsoft SqlServer and Advanced Services, T-SQL
- MariaDB
- Oracle, PL/SQL
- PostgreSQL and releated advanced services
- MongoDB
Internet Programming
- Microsoft Asp.NET and Razor
- Java, JSP, Struts2, Spring
- CSS3, Bootstrap, LESS, SASS, SCSS, Responsive Layouts
- PHP, Zend Framework
- Javascript, JQuery, AJAX, AngularJS, NodeJS, Handlebars, Mustache.js, HTML5.Boilerplate
- HTML 5
- known protocols: TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP, UDP, ICMP, POP3, SMTP, IMAP, DNS
- Adobe Flash Builder, Actionscript 3, Adobe AIR
- Agile
- Zen Programming
- User Centered Design
- MVC2
Internet Amministrazione
- Microsoft Internet Information Services
- Apache Webserver
Internet Webdesign
- Adobe Creative Suite / Creative Cloud (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects, Premiere)
- Blender 3D
- Apple Logic Pro X
- Serif Affinity Photo and Designer
- Microsoft Office
- OpenOffice, LibreOffice
- Google Documents
- Adobe InDesign
- Quark Xpress
- Scribus
Pre-printing and Media Archives
- Adobe Acrobat Suite
- Fontforge open Source
- Callas PDF Toolbox
- Tucanna Tflow and Approval
- Adobe Illustrator
- Artflow for Android
- Inkscape
Image Editing
- Adobe Photoshop
- Serif Affinity Photo
- Snapseed for Android
Video Editing
- Apple Final Cut Pro
- Apple iMovie
- Adobe After Effects
- Adobe Premiere
Audio & MIDI
- Apple Logic Pro X
- Apple GarageBand
- Cakewalk Sonar
- Steinberg Cubase
3D Modeling, Animation and Rendering Tools
- Blender
- Maxon Cinema 4D
- Babylon.js
Social Presence
- Flickr: 134K followers
- Twitter: 69K followers
- Instagram: 26K followers
- Pinterest: 5K followers
- Soundcloud: 5.3K followers
- Google Plus Page: 3K followers
- Facebook Page: 3.6K followers
- Youtube Channel: 466 subscribers
Music Distribution
obbiettivi – aims
My goal is to work in a professional and dynamic software house, strong and competitive, where i can express my various skills and where i can reuse all my baggage of my many and different past experiences.
I feel great interest in information technology and communications companies capable to imagine, design and publish products and contributions of high quality and technology.
I can give my best when i create and realize cutting edge projects in which massive doses of creativity and imagination are realized through an innovative use of the most advanced information technologies, clean design and seniority in development.
altre informazioni e curiosità varie – other informations and curiosities
- Passionate about photography and digital retouching. You can look at my photo gallery at flickr.com:
www.flickr.com/photos/dino_olivieri/ - Webmaster, webdesigner, owner and coder of the experimental website:
www.onyrix.com - A lover of natural sciences, ecology, free energy, natural nutrition and environmental protection.
- Passionate about papermaking, computer graphic composition and printing and bookbinding.
- Composer and arranger of music. You can listen to my original compositions and playlists on Onyrix on Soundcloud.com
- Illustrator, graphic designer and painter.
- Tin whistle player.
- For many years i’m engaged in writing and graphic illustration of a science fiction tetralogy.
- Passionate about food and wine, hiking and readings about science and zen.
- Curator of the site of Body Mind Wellness, Zen Culture and Holistic Medicine:
Dino Olivieri